Pick up the Fusion Fall 2011 issue today

Check out the magazine in it's PDF form.

More simple. More spacious and more in line with the calm advocacy angle Fusion is taking.

This issue of Fusion has a whole new look. Last semester’s art director, Cody Wallis, deserves the most credit and although a new art directing team led by Katherine Armstrong will be replacing him, Fusion still plans to follow the simple, calm and spacious direction in its future issues.

Wallis characterizes it as a “minimalist design.”  However, I think it’s more accurately described as a “content-emphasis design.” There’s no reason to clutter the pages with gimmicks and extra art when the reader should pay attention to the magazine’s best features–its remarkable photos and stories. And there’s plenty of that here, including our cover story on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’s repeal, our analysis on why the City of Kent lacks a gay bar, and our glamorous gaydar photo spread.

If you can’t grab an issue now, feel welcomed to browse the magazine in it’s PDF form below.

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