Pride House offers place for gay, lesbian Olympic athletes

Pride House, a safe haven, opened for Olympic gays and lesbians to socialize with their friends.
Halls of Pride House display anti-homophobic posters. (courtesy of

VANCOUVER—Pride House, a safe haven, opened for Olympic gays and lesbians to socialize with their friends. Next to a vegetable stand, the place has a community room, library, discussion rooms and a clinic.

“This is very modest compared with the one in Whistler,” said one visitor from the neighborhood, Rick Collis, a retired journalist. “But I’m glad it’s here, just for me to have a coffee and meet other people. They do a good job with a very modest budget.”

Jennifer Breakspear, the executive director of Qmunity, which hosts Pride House, has the support of the Olympic Games. Pride House is on the list of places to visit in Vancouver.

To read more on this story, visit The Star Ledger.

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