One radio show advocates methods to alter one’s sexual orientations.
Dawson McAllister Live, a program aired on Boston’s KISS 108 station, typically deals with teenage issues of drug abuse or pregnancy. Most recently, McAllister’s off-air program, Hope-Line to Exodus International, has been tackling “ex-gay” issues.
According to Bay Windows, New England’s largest LGBT newspaper, the organization believes intense prayer and Christian therapy can change one’s sexual orientation from gay to straight.
“Exodus upholds heterosexuality as God’s creative intent for humanity, and subsequently views homosexual expression as outside of God’s will,” the group’s mission statement reads on their Web site. “Exodus cites homosexual tendencies as one of many disorders that beset fallen humanity. Choosing to resolve these tendencies through homosexual behavior, taking on a homosexual identity, and involvement in the homosexual lifestyle is considered destructive, as it distorts God’s intent for the individual and is thus sinful.”
Blogger Greg Kimball called in to the radio show. Questioning whether or not he was gay, he challenged an Exodus representative.
“So being gay is just as bad as, like, stealing?” said Kimball. “And murder?”
“Yes,” the representative said. “It’s the same thing.”
To read more on this story, visit Bay Windows.