Rhode Island Activists Take Charge In Fight For Same Sex Marriage Rights

Rhode Island is taking a stand for same sex marriage legislation, being the only New England state to not have passed any legislation allowing same sex marriages

Rhode Island contiOne of many activist groups shows their support for same-sex equalitynues to be at the head of the crusade for gay marriage, though even with its efforts it still remains the only New England state to not allow gay marriage. This has caused an activist uproar in the small state for both the opposition of the marriage legislation as well as the supporters.

The National Organization for Marriage, also known as NOM, has stepped up their game in trying to make sure that marriage is never a possibility for same sex couples, with activism actions such as releasing a commercial that spread propaganda about same sex couples. But they are not the only ones who are fired up about this debate.

There have been several new organizations that support same sex couples that have emerged from this epic battle. Most locals feel that the groups have emerged through a sense of frustration with the lack of progress with the legislation. For the twelfth year in a row the state has declined to vote on same sex marriage.

To read more go here.

-Katelynd Jarvis

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