Rock for Equality brings promises from California Representative

In a fight for Social Security benefits, proponents for gay and lesbian rights demonstrated in California.
A California demonstration fought toward Social Security rights for gay and lesbian couples. (courtesy of

California Representative Linda Sanchez promises to create a legislative proposal to secure Social Security for gay and lesbian couples.

“We now have quality, affordable health care coming to all,” said Sanchez. “What good is the quality of our health care in America if Americans are not treated equally under all of our laws? I look at this country – which is great but could be made better – and I see there is still discrimination. I don’t think it’s right that Americans should be treated differently by the country they love because of who they love.”

Sanchez joined other officials and demonstrators at the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center for Rock for Equality, a campaign to win for gays and lesbians Social Security benefits.

“We are here today to demand an end to bigoted government policies that force LGBT seniors out of house and home,” said Lorri L. Jean, CEO of the Center, “or to choose between food and medicine because they are denied the survivor benefits that straight people take for granted.”

To read more on this story, visit On Top Magazine.

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