Rock Out With Your Cock Out

Support World AIDS Day by fighting the virus...with your member. All hands on deck, cause we're about to rock.
From German organization Vergiss AIDS Nicht comes Cock Out, the game where you use your extremity to battle AIDS.

Via comes word of a German game that lets you use your cock as a weapon against HIV/AIDS.

Using a computer’s webcam to track a user’s penis or phallic facsimile, Cock Out lets you poke, jab and prod your way to defeating that pesky virus. More a campaign promoting condom use than anything, it’s sure to have you on your feet and moving to the groove of its sweet midi music, at least for a few minutes.

The requirements to play are a bit high. On my Mac, Adobe Flash warns me that allowing the application to use my webcam could result in me being filmed (although the German reaffirms that I won’t be recorded). Watch the video below to learn more, and click the link above to try it out for yourself. For it to properly work, however, you will need a condom from this website. Not in Europe? Click here to print out a marker to start battling, just remember to place your member within a foot of the camera.

If you are able to make it work, post your high scores in the comments. What better way to support 2010’s World AIDS Day.

Video text translates to something like, “Now comes a game that you better play without your mother,” in a probable allusion to the Wii and its motion controller. See? Who said three years of high school Deutsch wouldn’t come in handy.

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