School says boy can't dress like girl

A Georgia high school tells a young man that his feminine attire is not acceptable

A high school in Georgia decided a male student at their school who dresses in women’s clothing either needed to dress more “manly” or consider home-schooling, as reported by The Atlantic Journal-Constitution.

Johnaton Escobar photo from
Johnaton Escobar photo from

Jonathon Escobar attended North Cobb High School, which is located in Kennesaw Ga. Escobar’s attire includes wigs, makeup, skinny jeans, vintage tops and women’s flats. According to the school administration at North Cobb, his dress is inappropriate and causes a distraction to the learning environment at the school.

After being approached by a school official, he was told, “his choice was either to stop dressing in such a feminine manner or consider home-schooling.” Escobar then dropped out of North Cobb High School. “If I can’t express myself, I won’t go to school. I want to get the message out there that because this is who I am, I can’t get an education,” said Escobar.

To see the full article go here.

To see the YouTube video of his interview go here.

-Katelynd Jarvis

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