Serbian gay pride march canceled

Under duress from extreme rightist groups, organizers of Serbia's national pride march scrap the event.
Activists in Serbias 2001 march demonstrate valiantly to promote global pride.
Activists in Serbia's 2001 march demonstrate valiantly to promote global pride.

Following an announcement made by Serbian authorities that protection could not be guaranteed for the nation’s pride activists, coordinators of the national gay pride march have canceled the event.

Originally slated to be held in downtown Belgrade, this demonstration was to be the first of its kind to occur in Serbia in nearly a decade. The radical threats surrounding this year’s canceled march mirror the controversy stirred by the country’s 2001 march, which was disbanded by conservative protestors.

It seems as if the Serbian administration has fumbled into its first major hurdle in implementing its newly proposed proactive approach in ensuring human rights.

Read the article in its entirety here.

– Zachary Culler

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