This Week in Gay

A new blog of gay-central news for my media savvy readers.

Rapper Lil B’s new album title “I’m Gay” comes with a bit of a misnomer, though he’s not actually gay, he claims to be an ally to the LGBT community.

Two young girls were bullied to the point of committing a double suicide because others at their Indiana school thought they might be gay.

Tenn. senator Stacey Campfield wants to pass a bill that would  prohibit teachers from even mentioning the existence of homosexuality in public school classes in kindergarten through eighth grade.

Batwoman is gay, she has been since 2006, and June 10, she will debut her very own series in Detective Comics #854.

Give a straight girl a Shake Weight and you get a South Park episode, give a lesbian a Shake Weight and you get an exercise class.


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