This Week in Gay

The week's finally over, but before you settle down to a nice cup of whatever (I won't judge), close all your other tabs and catch up on the news.

London–Two gay men are now Twitter sensations after being kicked out of a Soho pub for a “hands-on-the-table” kiss.

California– In a blatant reminder that even blind justice isn’t without her prejudices, a guard told an immigrant that the reason gay and transgender immigrants receive less than two hours of dayroom time a day is, “Because you need to learn to not be a faggot.”

Los Angeles–Even after personally apologizing to president Joe Solmonese of  the Human Rights Campaign, Kobe Bryant is still being  fined $100,000 for Wednesday’s technical foul.

White House–With the repeal of DADT looming in the foreground, one would think the law would be rather lax, but First Lady Michelle Obama and (Practice Lady?) Jill Biden are not allowing Servicemembers United–a gay organization–into the White House for their Joining Forces initiative.

Michigan–In a fabulous win for the Michigan gay community, the recent attempt to repeal a policy providing domestic-partner benefits to state employees failed by eight votes.

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