Trinidad's transgender surgeon rises to fame

A transgender surgeon in Colorado brings the procedure to light.

Trinidad, Colo. is home to Dr. Stanley Biber, who is known for performing the metamorphosis procedure of becoming transgender, according to But when Biber retired, some thought that the procedure would retire as well.

Surgeon Marci Bowers photo from
Surgeon Marci Bowers. Photo courtesy of

Marci Bowers decided to train with the doctor before he retired. Bowers was connected to the procedure because Marci used to be “Mark.”

According to The Denver Post, “four years after leaving her wife and kids” and her job as a gynecological surgeon in Seattle, “she is one of the more visible impresarios of the transgender movement.” Bowers has rock star status around the LGBT community when it comes to her reputation as a skilled surgeon.

To read the full article go here.

Katelynd Jarvis

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