Westboro Rides Again…Right After Somebody Changes Their Tires

The Westboro Baptists are up to their old antics, but the good people of Oklahoma slash a knife through their plans...and tires.

Last Saturday, the members of Westboro Baptist Church once again exercised their 1st amendment rights.  This time it was in McAlester, Okla.,  at the funeral of one Army Sergeant Jason James McCluskey.

Photo: Cory Young / Tulsa World Copyright 2010

After they spiced up Sergeant McCluskey’s boring old funeral service with a few hateful words and their special brand of unpatriotic and exclusionary Christianity, they went back to their minivan to ride home (maybe after some delicious fried okra) only to find their front and back passenger side tires slashed.

They tried to find a mechanic that was willing to change their tires, but alas, no one would help the infamous church.  Assistant Chief Darrell Miller told Tulsa World that they met a crowd of 1,000 or so counterprotestors, angrily chanting USA at the down-on-their-luck churchgoers.

Tensions reached their climax when the Westboro Baptists arrived at Wal-Mart, where a security cordon of state troopers, sheriff’s deputies, and city police was formed around their minivan.

The Westboro Baptists rose to infamy by picketing funerals of our nation’s fallen protectors, spouting their angry untruths and preventing families from holding a respectable funeral.

The Westboro Baptists showcase one of America’s great qualities in a horrible light, but Assistant Chief Miller showed some of the good ole’ American spirit when he told Tulsa World “We’re here to protect everyone.”



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