What does Your Outfit Say?

Where do we draw the line between “sexy” and “I want sex”?
Gossip Girl's Taylor Momsen in Cosmo's "Love it or Leave it" survey. Photo: Cosmopolitan 2010

Yesterday, I drove past a group of cheerleaders with their makeup done dark, skirts hiked up short, and their tops pulled down in attempt to show off some cleavage. They were in the eighth grade.

Really? When I was their age, I was wearing graphic tees from Aeropostale and cleavage wasn’t allowed.  Seeing preteens wearing lower-cut shirts than I do is ridiculous.  They must think it’s acceptable because we, older college girls, as well as the media, set their example.  Sometimes, we have to stop and think about what messages we’re sending to the people around us: Kids, guys, other girls, parents, you name it. Girls, the clothes we wear have a large impact on how people view us. If we’re not careful, we can be sending the wrong message to the wrong person, and may wind up in danger.

Look, I like looking sexy as much as the next chick, but where do we draw the line between “sexy” and “I want sex”?  The winter months are approaching, so it’s safe to say that Poofy Dress Season has come to a close. This being said, if you’re caught in a poofy dress and heels around this time of year, here’s the message you’re sending: “Sex me now!”  Sure, you’ll get approached by tons of guys/girls, but for a good reason? Probably not. Regardless of whom you’re trying to attract, that outfit screams for attention and doesn’t flatter your personality or taste.

I should probably mention right about now that I actually do have some authority on this issue.  I’m the solo girl living with four guys in my apartment. Clearly, I get some feedback on what they like, dislike, or judge about a girl; when it comes to wearing something too-revealing, (more often than not) they consider that unattractive or just a plea for sex. Guys aren’t the only ones, either. Girls seeking girls tend to have the same reactions. Back to that line again: How can you look sexy without asking for sex?

The “happy medium” is the key: Pick out a pair of skin-tight jeans or leggings and pair it with a looser top; wear a shirt that shows off your belly with some breathable jeans; wear a miniskirt but ditch the heels. Throw on some bangle bracelets and statement earrings and you’ve capitalized on your “sexy-appeal.” If you don’t trust me, at least trust Cosmo; some of their “Love It or Leave It” pics might show it better than I do.

The secret: Don’t try too hard. True sexy comes naturally.

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