After the Grammy’s last weekend, the question begs to be answered — Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga? Both ladies have done quite well for themselves during the past year. Both have walked away from the latest circuit of award shows with more awards than they can carry. But when it comes down to the big ones — i.e. the Grammy’s and the American Music Awards — there was a resounding and veritable affinity toward the country starlet.
So who really has it? And what does she really have that makes her stand out above the other?
That’s what we want you to tell us. Today to Sunday, we want you to comment here and let us know who you think reigns supreme in the world of popular music, despite what any ambiguous recording academy or international music critics have to say about the matter. We’ll moderate and contribute, and we’ll be fact checking any verifiable claims to make sure everyone’s getting his or her facts right.
What makes you fall for GaGa’s bad romance every time? What makes you belong to Swift?
We want to know. (Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter feeds for more of this conversation through Sunday.)