Research suggests majority of LGBT students are cyberbullied

New research published March 4 indicates one in two LGBT students experiences cyberbullying, according to
Warren Blumenfeld, left, is the lead author on a new study suggesting extensive cyberbullying targeted at LGBT youth. (Courtesy of Iowa State University)

New research published March 4 indicates one in two LGBT students experiences cyberbullying, according to

The study, released by Iowa State University instructors, stated some 54 percent of LGBT and allied youth ages 11 to 22 were targets of cyberbullying.

“One of the strategies coming out of this study,” said Warren Blumenfeld, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction at ISU and the study’s lead author, “… is that we should find ways on our campuses to empower young people to speak up and act as allies. In bullying circles, it’s empowering the bystander to become the upstander to help eliminate the problem.”

For the original article, click here.

— Justin McCraw

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