Florida leaders and gay activists want change in adoption laws

A new Florida bill could help same-sex couples adopt.

Florida is the only state specifically stating gay couples are not allowed to adopt. A recent bill introduction could change this.

Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) introduced the bill called Every Child Deserves a Family Act. Florida’s current law complies with state adoption and foster care placement but does not comply with nondiscrimination policies, according to legislation. The bill would cut off federal funding for states receiving adoption and foster care assistance who do not comply with nondiscrimination policies, which would include Florida. Stark is hopeful if the bill passes, states with a discrimination law will change adoption policies if the state is no longer federally funded.

A bill introduced by California congressman Pete Stark might help same-sex couples adopt in Florida. Photo courtesy of blogs.babble.
A bill introduced by Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) might help same-sex couples adopt in Florida. Photo courtesy of blogs.babble.

Florida’s law states, “No person eligible to adopt under this statute may adopt if that person is a homosexual.” Civil rights activists and leaders have tried appealing Florida’s law for several years. The state’s adoption law exists from the 1970’s Anita Bryant anti-gay movement.

Several gay activists support Stark’s bill in hopes it passes. Cathy James, president of Securing Our Children’s Rights, a group advocating a repeal on Florida’s ban, told OnTopMag.com her group promises to work with Stark’s efforts to pass the bill.

Other states also have a similar adoption ban to same-sex couples.

Read the full article here.

—Kim Brown

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